
When He makes it so clear

We came to a fork in the road .... are we going to live for Him and Him alone or ourselves and
the opinions of others .The turmoil of this was consuming ,faith was wavering.
Do we choice the easy way ,the way that looks safe and simple.
Do we choose our own desires , or do we choose what God desires?
We struggled back and forth ,what to do? where to go ? what are we here for?
And then as if the light was turned on we knew what He wanted us to.
He confirmed it once ...twice.... three times
and more ,He spoke so clearly we were astounded.
So we will follow this path our creator has marked out  and like Abraham and
Sarah we will go where he tells us ;out into an unknown  future ; ready and 
willing to go where he tells us... to do what hes calling us to do.
Why ?
because we know that if Hes calling us to it he will provided for us all the way
,His protection is ALL sufficient ,it will exactly what we need to grow , we know
we will be blessed beyond anything we could do for ourselves.
and simply because he is God and when he speaks we listen.
But most of all its the LOVE  that compels us to listen and follow.
So what are we doing ,well...

To be continued

(not sharing the rest just yet ;-)